Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Effective from 29th April 2021

The Odd Britain website is intended as a guide to interesting buildings, monuments and places around the UK.

This Privacy Policy applies exclusively to information practices related to this website,, hereafter referred to as ‘this site’ or ‘the site’. We are not responsible for the privacy policy or operation of any other sites linked to by this site.

Personal Information Collected on this site

The only personally identifiable information collected by this site is in the forum where it is used to verify the existence of a valid email account, and to identify and personalise the user account held. We also collect, but do not store, personal information when passed to us via the ‘Contact Us’ page.

The operators of this site are the sole owners of all information collected on this site and will not rent, sell or share any personally-identifiable information about you with third parties for any reason except when required to assist in resolving an issue you raise with us or as required by law.

Anonymous Information Collected on this Website

We record anonymous data such as traffic logs, number of visits or clicks on a given page, pages viewed or links to our site. We do not rent, sell or share any anonymous data collected on this website with third parties for marketing purposes.

None of this anonymous data is linked to personally-identifiable information and we make no attempt to link IP addresses to the individuals who visit this site.


Cookies are small chunks of data created by a web server, delivered through a web browser, and stored on your computer. They provide a means for websites that you visit to keep track of your online patterns and preferences, as well as identify you as a return visitor. Cookies make the personalization of your web experiences possible, so that you do not need to re-enter your information from scratch upon each visit to a given website.

Cookies on this site are used for visitor tracking only and for no other purpose.

No personally-identifiable information is collected by or linked to any of the cookies delivered on our site.

You have the ability to manage the use of cookies on your computer using controls in your web-browser. To learn more about how to manage cookies, visit

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

As the content and nature of this site evolves, this Privacy Policy may be revised to reflect those changes where applicable. We therefore reserve the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time, for any reason.

Please contact us with any questions about this website Privacy Policy.